Dear friends, I gone through the below videos and found them the best for the ones who want to understand the basics of want to get the an overview of basic AWS services.
1. AWS Course Introduction
2. AWS Overview
3. AWS Course Infra Part 1
4. AWS Course Infra Part 2
5. AWS Sample App
6. AWS Compute
7. AWS Compute EC2
8. AWS Compute EC2 Creating Web Server
9. AWS Introduction To Light Sail
10. AWS Introduction To Light Sail Demo
11. AWS Introduction Networking & Storage
12. AWS Virtual Private Cloud Part 1
13. AWS Virtual Private Cloud Part 2
14. AWS Introduction to Storage
15. AWS Elastic Block Storage EBS
16. AWS Simple Storage Service S3 Demo
17. AWS Elastic File System EFS
18. AWS Introduction to Databases
19. BYOD vs RDS
20. AWS RDS in Detail
21. AWS DynamoDB
22. AWS DynamoDB Demo
23. AWS Introduction to Monitoring & Scaling
24. AWS Monitoring & Cloud Watch
25. AWS Load Balancing
26. AWS Auto Scaling
27. AWS Introduction to Security & Cost Management
28. AWS Security in AWS
You can always get in touch with me at, share the details with me and will get back to you.